Visionary Tool

How to Design & Use a Vision Board for Your Success

What is a Vision Board?

A Vision Board is a visual tool to help you focus on what you want in your life. It is a visual “snap shot” of what you want to achieve; your goals, your dreams, your vision.

What You Need To Begin

  • Poster Board

  • Magazines

  • Scissors

  • Glue Stick

  • Internet Access & Printer

  • Calendar

We have fun listening to good music as we cut pictures, words, or phrases
out of magazines and attach them to our poster boards. Some of us use
a computer and Google particular items to print off to put on our boards.

For example, if you want a Red Dodge Charger, you can look up that car,
print it, and put it on your board. We visit and have snacks, but soon every-
one is busy and focused on their board. An occasional “Hey, did anyone
see a cruise ship?”“Oh my gosh, did you see this?”“Has anyone seen a big
house by a lake?” can also be heard over the music and sounds of scissors
cutting, or pages being torn out of magazines.

Some Vision Boards are focused on a particular topic; family, business, real
estate, relationships, or travel. Other boards are broad in scope including
everything that comes to mind.

A vision board is a way to put what you want into a visual format.
Never stop dreaming about what you want; and dream big!

Once you have completed your Vision Board,
make a list of steps to do for each item on our board.

To get started on achieving your dreams, design your own Vision Board.
They are a fun and an effective way to achieve your goals.

What can you do each day for one month to reach your milestones?

Doing something every day gets you results and helps you stay motivated.

What do you have, and what do you need, to transform your dreams into your reality?

Identify where you need help and find the resources you need.

  • Write an achievement list (to-do list)
  • Write your to-do steps on your calendar
  • As you complete your steps on your calendar, check them off
  • Add the next necessary steps

Writing down your action steps will help you plan and
transform your dreams into your reality.

Display your Vision Board where you can see it every day and feel inspired!
If you like, you can also frame it and hang it on your wall.

Don’t let dream crushers (the naysayers) stop you from moving forward.
Select carefully those with whom you share your visions. Only share your visions
with people who are supportive.

Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to make a Vision Board.
Set aside an afternoon or an evening, invite some friends over,
or design one on your own.

Follow the steps above and make your Vision Board.
It is a great tool to assist you in living your amazing dreams!

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